Rehabilitation Therapy Treatments
We want to work with you to help your pet heal faster, move quicker and feel better.
You may not yet have a diagnosis or answer to why your pet is lame, sore or in pain. We offer initial examinations to determine the source of the problem. Once we know the issue we are dealing with then a proper and individualized treatment plan can start to take shape.

Rehabilitation therapy treatments for your pet
We welcome the opportunity to work with patients who have been referred from other veterinary clinics, as well as clients who have recognized a need for our services without a prior referral. Some of our most common treatments include:
• Musculoskeletal injuries (iliopsoas, biceps, gracilis, supraspinatus injury)
• Osteoarthritis
• Cruciate ligament injury/rupture
• Hip dysplasia
• Elbow dysplasia
• Lameness
• Intervertebral disc disease (IVDD)
• Back pain
• Joint injury
• Neurological conditions (cauda equina, lumbosacral disease, IVDD, brachial plexus injury etc)
• Performance problems in sport animals
• Weight loss management
Rehabilitation therapy treatments for your pet
We welcome the opportunity to work with patients who have been referred from other veterinary clinics, as well as clients who have recognized a need for our services without a prior referral. Some of our most common treatments include:
• Musculoskeletal injuries (iliopsoas, biceps, gracilis, supraspinatus injury)
• Osteoarthritis
• Cruciate ligament injury/rupture
• Hip dysplasia
• Elbow dysplasia
• Lameness
• Intervertebral disc disease (IVDD)
• Back pain
• Joint injury
• Neurological conditions (cauda equina, lumbosacral disease, IVDD, brachial plexus injury etc)
• Performance problems in sport animals
• Weight loss management
Veterinary Rehabilitation is a therapeutic approach to help relieve pain and dysfunction in animals.
Research proves that every and all patients can benefit from rehab. Dr. Tara Hudye, Dr. Corben Scherer, Dr. Alexina Labrecque and Jillian Clark, PT, are all certified in this field in addition to their veterinary and/or physiotherapy degrees. Each pet will have an unique and individualized treatment plan involving owner education and home management, treatment modalities and therapies to help regain function and relieve pain.
Veterinary Rehabilitation is a therapeutic approach to help relieve pain and dysfunction in animals.
Research proves that every and all patients can benefit from rehab. Dr. Tara Hudye, Dr. Corben Scherer, Dr. Alexina Labrecque and Jillian Clark, PT, are all certified in this field in addition to their veterinary and/or physiotherapy degrees. Each pet will have an unique and individualized treatment plan involving owner education and home management, treatment modalities and therapies to help regain function and relieve pain.
Manual therapy is often thought of as just ‘massaging’. It is so much more than just that! Our hands are used in both assessment and treatment. We need to determine the tone of the muscle, the joint restrictions, and myofascial trigger points. We determine a sense of the grinding of the joints, or crepitus, and can feel the knot within the muscle that is causing pain.
When you first see us place our hands on your pet, you may easily mistake manual therapy for massage. Although massage is an important tool we often use in clinic and also teach owners to do at home, manual therapy is so much more.
Massage uses pressure on the skin and tissue/muscles to increase circulation, flexibility, tension release and relaxation.
Manual therapy techniques can increase the healing process and correct faults within the soft tissues and joints. Learning to do manual therapy is an advanced skill, learned after becoming a certified rehab practitioner/vet and I can attest that it takes years to develop a keen sense of touch that is needed to do a good job. I often will look away, or close my eyes to block out the visual sense in order to focus on my tactile senses. I know I may look awkward, but I swear this helps!
Manual therapy involves a hands on technique that will realign joints and correct positional faults of the tissue. We will utilize soft tissue (fascial and ligament) mobilization, muscle energy techniques, myofascial release, joint mobilizations and manipulations. Why do this all this?
Incredibly, these techniques will increase the range of motion of the joint, meaning we can improve the joints ability to flex or extend. A very important treatment especially in chronic arthritis or strain situations. In addition, by mobilizing or moving a joint is a very specific way, we can upregulate the joint fluid and circulation of the joi